PDF BookObesity Impact on Cardiovascular Disease (American Heart Association Monograph Series)

[Ebook.3kqS] Obesity Impact on Cardiovascular Disease (American Heart Association Monograph Series)

[Ebook.3kqS] Obesity Impact on Cardiovascular Disease (American Heart Association Monograph Series)

[Ebook.3kqS] Obesity Impact on Cardiovascular Disease (American Heart Association Monograph Series)

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Book Details :
Published on: 1999-12-16
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Original language: English
[Ebook.3kqS] Obesity Impact on Cardiovascular Disease (American Heart Association Monograph Series)

Obesity is becoming increasingly prevalent in a worldwide context, and has been recognised as a major contributing factor in heart disease. This volume was authored by the participants in a 1998 AHA sponsored conference on the impact of obesity on cardiovascular disease. The three main sections of the book set out to evaluate current research pertaining to causation and cardiovascular sequela of obesity. Part I defines obesity, exploring its epidemiology, its genetic and non-genetic influences and its contribution to the problem of cardiovascular disease. Special attention is given to the primary prevention of obesity as a means of avoiding specific sequelae as well as the difficulties experienced by those who try to lose weight. Part II deals with the relatively new and much heralded discovery of obesity related genes the current state of diet drugs and valvular heart disease, and the interaction of obesity and metabolism, hormonal regulation and various other biological systems. Recent basic advances in the biological understanding of obesity are introduced. Part III suggests the most accurate ways of assessing BMI, of defining helpful dietary strategies and of managing the issues involved in the implementation of physical activity and pharmacological intervention as a means to decrease and maintain weight. Quality of life, economic issues and managed care settings are also discussed. Diabetes Care January 2015 vol. 38 no. 1 150-158 Asian American Studies of Type 2 Diabetes and Overweight/Obesity. Prospective cohort or longitudinal studies are the most suitable designs to measure type 2 diabetes ... Cardiac risk assessment before the use of stimulant ... A joint position statement with the Canadian Paediatric Society the Canadian Cardiovascular Society and the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Body-Mass Index and Mortality in Korean Men and Women Original Article. Body-Mass Index and Mortality in Korean Men and Women. Sun Ha Jee Ph.D. Jae Woong Sull Ph.D. Jungyong Park Ph.D. Sang-Yi Lee M.D. Heechoul ... Childhood obesity: public-health crisis common sense cure As with adults obesity in childhood causes hypertension dyslipidaemia chronic inflammation increased blood clotting tendency endothelial dysfunction and ... Orlistat - Wikipedia Orlistat works by inhibiting gastric and pancreatic lipases the enzymes that break down triglycerides in the intestine. When lipase activity is blocked ... The exercise effect - American Psychological Association The exercise effect. Evidence is mounting for the benefits of exercise yet psychologists dont often use exercise as part of their treatment arsenal. Methamphetamine - Wikipedia Uses Medical. In the United States methamphetamine hydrochloride under the trade name Desoxyn has been approved by the FDA for treating ADHD and obesity in both ... Sudden cardiac death in athletes The BMJ Sudden cardiac death in athletes aged less than 35 years is most commonly caused by an underlying genetic heart disorder such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; however ... ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE APPROACHES TO DISEASE Alternative Medicine Approaches to Disease This section was compiled by Frank M. Painter D.C. Make comments or suggestions to Frankp@chiro.org A Prospective Study of Walking as Compared with Vigorous ... Background The role of walking as compared with vigorous exercise in the prevention of coronary heart disease remains controversial and data for women on this ...
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