Ebook BookCapabilities Gender Equality Towards Fundamental Entitlements

Free Capabilities Gender Equality Towards Fundamental Entitlements

Free Capabilities Gender Equality Towards Fundamental Entitlements

Free Capabilities Gender Equality Towards Fundamental Entitlements

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Book Details :
Published on: 2014-04-17
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Original language: English
Free Capabilities Gender Equality Towards Fundamental Entitlements

Questions of gender, injustice and equality pervade all our lives, and as such, the capabilities or 'human development' approach to understanding well-being and basic political entitlements continues to be debated. In this thought-provoking book, a range of authors provide unique reflections on the capabilities approach and, specifically, Martha C. Nussbaum's contributions to issues of gender, equality and political liberalism. Moreover, the authors tackle a broad range of development issues, including those of religion, ecological and environmental justice, social justice, child care, disability and poverty. This is the first book to examine Nussbaum's work in political philosophy in such depth, bringing together a group of distinguished experts with diverse disciplinary perspectives. It also features a unique contribution from Nussbaum herself, in which she offers reactions to the discussion and her latest thoughts on the capabilities approach. Capabilities, Gender, Equality will interest a wide range of readers and policy-makers interested in new human development policies. Concepts and definitions EIGE European Institute for Gender Equality ... It combines a series of activities that aim at strengthening people's skills and knowledge on a certain matter. National Gender Policy - NCAA National Gender Policy: FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA. NATIONAL GENDER POLICY : Federal Ministry of Womens Affairs and Social Development ... ILC87 - Report of the Director-General: Decent work The new policy emphasis. Development gender policy and enterprise perspectives. If the context of ILO activities in the future will be determined by the needs of ... Project Database UNDEF Project Number Project Title & Description Grantee Project Location Project Duration Grant Amount (USD) 001: Pilot Project for Joint Civil and Voter Registry (CVR) in ... Social and economic empowerment - GSDRC Page contents Social empowerment Economic empowerment Social empowerment Social empowerment is understood as the process of developing a sense of autonomy and self ... CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 2 POVERTY ERADICATION AND HUMAN ... 6 Participation A human rights approach to poverty also requires the active and informed participation of the poor including in for example the formulation ... Right to education - Wikipedia The right to education is a universal entitlement to education. This is recognized in the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights as a human ... Feminist economics - Wikipedia Antifeminism; Bicycling; Children's literature; Effects on society; Equality; Female education; Femicide; Feminazi; Feminism and GIS; Feminism in culture; Feminist ... Social inclusion and social citizenship towards a truly ... Introduction. Since it took office in December 2007 the Rudd Government has made social inclusion a key theme in its approach to social policy. Sens Capability Approach Internet Encyclopedia of ... Sens Capability Approach. The Capability Approach is defined by its choice of focus upon the moral significance of individuals capability of achieving the kind ...
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